
Viwandani Neighborhood

Zone 1


The Viwandani Youth Group Neighborhood is the area closest group to Trinity United Methodist Church.  It is an area of flat land with sandy soil. Some of the housing is permanent, but it is mixed with temporary, poorly constructed squatter houses, as well. The businesses most common to this neighborhood are charcoal selling, shopkeeping and green grocers.  The land in this neighborhood is inadequate for farming. However, some people are able to rear goats and sheep. 

You may notice in many profiles that a number of youth are completely orphaned or abandoned at a young age.  They typically are taken in by a relative, guardian or generous community member until they are old enough to sustain themselves.  Also, when you see youth living in semi-permanent or temporary housing, it means that they are living on government-owned land which can be taken from them at any time.  Inua works diligently to ensure that all youth in the program are in safe housing and have enough bedding for each family member.

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